Sunday, November 25, 2007



I'm sorry and yet very excited to tell I am updating and the site will re-launch in 2008! You can look for updates here on this blog or, visit us at, Facebook (there's a link at your right), if you're interested in being a BuffRx man feel free to email me at, with your name, age, height, weight, and three images (one head shot, one full body and one shirtless) thank you! Email me with any of your inquires! The new site, will be great! You'll love it!


Saturday, November 17, 2007

3 Simple Free Workout Routines To Get Ripped Abs

3 Simple Free Workout Routines To Get Ripped Abs by Jasper Hogane

We all have the potential to create a ripped midsection but until the layer of fat covering your gut is reduced your abs simply won't be visible.

So how do you get rid of this layer of fat to expose the amazing abs beneath? Do you need to do 100 abdominal exercises to get it? Simply put you need to be burning more calories than you consume through a balanced fitness program including weight training and cardiovascular exercising (running, jogging, cycling etc.). Just doing 100 abdominal exercises will not be having much effect as combined with these.

Here we will mention some good exercises that are effective, safe, and can be done almost anywhere. Remember, persistence is the key. Your abs need to be exercised every single day to give you visible results.

Almost any expert can give you a 100 abdominal exercises. Here we mention a couple of easy-to-do grat exercises to flat abs and they are 3 simple free workout routines to get a ripped abs without even doing 100 abdominal exercises every day.

1. Bent Knee Sit-up
Sit down on a sit-up board and hook your feet under the strap. With your knees bent to about 45 degrees put your hands behind your head and your chin on your chest (this will put a slight bow in your back). From this position, inhale and lie back until your lower back touches the board. Exhale as you raise back up to the starting position.

2. Alternating Twisting Sit-Up
Sit down on a sit-up board and hook your feet under the strap. With your knees slightly bent, put your hands behind your head and your chin on your chest.

Twist your upper body to the right. Retaining this position, inhale and lower your torso down until your lower back touches the board. Return to the starting position and exhale.

Now twist your upper body to the left and repeat the same movement. A movement to the right and left is considered one repetition.

3. Tummy Isometric Crunch
First exhale, and then suck in your tummy as much as you can. Hold this position for fifteen seconds. Then relax and breathe normally.

Visualize moving your bellybutton straight toward your back. Holding in your tummy muscles and tensing your abs is a good way of firming and strengthening them. You will also become more aware of how to control your tummy muscles. Repeat several times. This exercise can be done anywhere, anytime. However, if you have high blood pressure, do not hold your breath for extended periods of time.

You can do these 100 abdominal exercises till the cows come home but they must be part of a good overall workout routine...including cardio work and proper nutrition to lower your body fat percentage.

Also never take for granted the numerous benefits that proper amounts of sleep can give to you. Aside from always feeling refreshed in the morning, you'll have more energy and motivation to continuing doing these ads exercises to achieve your ripped midsection.

If you have a large layer of body fat covering your abdominals, even the best ab exercise including doing 100 abdominal exercises is not the solution. It is only once this fat layer has been considerably reduced that it is the time to work your way through the best ab exercise list.

If you want more information about how to reduce your fat and get ripped abs the fast and proper way, discover these Free tips on training & nutrition insider secrets for a lean body and maximum weight loss and fitness results in record time.

Article Source:

Friday, November 16, 2007

Buldging biceps - give us a month...

BULGING BICEPS - Give us a Month....
Dane Fletcher

Is there really anything new under the sun when it comes to training? Perhaps nothing new, but innovation, maybe. As a consumer, bodybuilder, and overall purveyor of freaky muscle, this is how you must think of any workout that's offered via magazine or website. It isn't that there is so much out there you or I haven't heard of at this point, it's more about what we do with what we already know, to come up with something that is creative and becomes a means to a successful end.

One reason innovation is so important as a bodybuilder, is that the body figures out what you're doing fairly quickly, with training, diet, exercise, etc.. So it becomes crucial to find different ways to engage each body part, or system, as a whole, to continue getting any appreciable result. This is particularly the case with a muscle that is typically seen as the pinnacle of a person's success in the gym. I'm talking about the biceps...

Truth is, if you have small biceps, it's like you've failed all around. In reality, small biceps is like having small calves - one is no different than the other. If something is missing, something is missing, period, no matter what it is. But that's not how people judge the situation. This almost necessitates having big arms, whether it's a struggle for you or not. So how can you ensure success in your biceps training? Well, give us a month and we'll give you an extra inch!

One of the things about the limbs that distinguishes them from other body part training is this: Leg workouts and arm workouts can go so against the grain of logic and reason and you can still have success. You may see this as maddening, but it's actually really a great thing. Here's why...

You can overtrain, under train, do high reps or low reps, use heavy weight or employ set complexity with 21's, negatives, concentric overload, or anything in between, and get success. And this is the key: You need to do it all. We call that shot-gunning with AAS use, but it's the same for training.... Throw enough mud against the wall and some of it is bound to stick. And the truth is, you have nothing to lose by doing it.


Week 1 - This week is about heavy, low rep training, and super slow movement. You'll be doing just two basic movements: Standing Barbell Curl and Preacher Curl. You'll do two workouts - one Monday and one Friday.

The weight you use is going to be substantial, but it must still be manageable. Try for 85% of max, if not 95%, as long as you can go super slow with it. It's all about using both concentric and eccentric portions of the range of motion. However, in the final few sets of each of these two exercises, you'll use concentric overload, by doing the curling part of the motion and letting your partner take the weight and hand it back to you to start again at the bottom.

Standing Barbell Curl (Straight one workout/ EZ Curl in another workout) 4 x 8 (remember to perform slowly)

Preacher Curl (EZ Curl - Inner grip and outer grip, alternating) 3 x 6 (no cheating with body - good form - slow)

Finish off with 2 sets to failure of alternate dumbbell curls - 60% of max weight

Rest: 2 minutes in between is correct if you are using heavy enough weight

Week 2 - Standard Workout - Do a workout that is varied and has 3 exercises and a pull up. Use standard rep ranges and don't do more than 9 or 10 total sets

Pull-ups - body weight only as warm up - 10 reps minimum with body, try to use biceps

Barbell Curls - Wide and Narrow grip 3 x 8

Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curls 3 x 10

Concentration Curls - seated 3 x 8

Rest: Take 1-2 minutes in between sets

Week 3 - 21's, Drop sets, Super sets. This is the week of varied set scheme. Since the type of sets you do is important, it's crucial that you get a week of two workouts in where you are utilizing all of these techniques that you may just save for pre-contest workouts. You need to have a partner work with you in this week, as well as the first week.

Standing Straight Bar Barbell Curls - Do 2 sets of 21's using moderate to heavy weight

Standing Alternate DB Curls - 2 sets - Drop DB's to lighter within set to go to failure at the lowest weight

Super Set: One armed (low or high pulley) cable curls/ Concentration curls - 2 sets of 8 to 10 reps each exercise.

Rest: 2 minutes between 21's, 3 minutes between drop sets on dumbbells, no rest within superset, but 1 minute in between supersets.

Week 4 - Cables only - all angles - this week. This accentuates both the eccentric and concentric portion of the range, and forces super control. Moderate weight and moderate reps earmark this week, but what is most important is the use of low cables and high cable attachments, as well as single arm exercises and double arm exercises. You must use these attachments: EZ Curl, Short straight bar, long straight bar, handle attachments

High Cable One Armed Pulley (alternate arms for rest - successively - 3 x 10 each arm

Low Cable Pulley Straight Bar from lowest attachment. Try to pull elbows high and use within that range, as well as pulling from bottom to mid-range in 3 x 10

EZ Curl High Cable - Top of range 3 x 8

Rest: No rest in alternating high cable one arm exercise, 2 minutes rest in all others in between. Set should take longer because you are accentuating the movements of each rep and still using moderate to heavy weight.

Varying training is something all bodybuilders ought to be doing, but with limbs, such as arms and legs, this kind of variety isn't just random and haphazard, it actually nets results. Limbs require wicked pumps to grow. But wicked pumps don't just come from heavy training... they come from heavy training, light training that burns into failure, odd attachments, varied sets, eccentric vs. concentric work, or both, and varied rest times in relation to varied work ethic.

Yours may not be to question why here, yours may be to just buckle down, give us a month, and we'll give you an inch on those stubborn biceps.

About The Author

Dane Fletcher is THE Training Authority and writes exclusively for, a leading provider of Bodybuilding Supplements and alternatives to Steroids. For more information, please

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ben me!

Ben Kirby
Age: 21
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160 lbs

You can read an article he wrote by clicking the following link and also you can read more about him on the same site.

Photographer: Glen Burrows
Photographer : Joseph Sinclair

Monday, November 05, 2007

New Blog Address!!


Wow, I have no idea how long it's been but I've had this address when we were simply the Men We Love Site! But with new expansion and changes we have we must change more! So this blogger will still look the same but you won't find it at this address in January! The address will be! Change all your bookmarks and your favourites lists!

This blog will be CHANGED from TO

All of the information will still be on this blog plus more! I'm pumped for 2008! Check back soon fans!