Wednesday, January 24, 2007

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Fitness and Exercise Prevent Disease

Fitness and Exercise Prevent Disease
by: John Campbell

Fitness and exercise prevent disease. That is a proven fact, and yet more people than ever are suffering from obesity and type 2 Diabetes. This is now being considered as an epidemic in the United States. If you are overweight, and especially if you are obese, or if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, then listen to your doctor and begin a regular fitness and exercise program. You’ll be glad you did. It will improve the quality of your life.

The Benefits
One of the benefits of fitness and exercise, as any physician will tell you, it that fitness and exercise help control blood sugar. A diabetic who takes medication daily may find that less medication is needed with a regular fitness and exercise program. Many diabetics who stay with fitness and exercise programs find that they are able to quit the medication and get their diabetes under control in a totally natural way.

Triglycerides are also too high for many people in the western world. High triglycerides are linked to heart disease, including heart attacks and strokes. A great natural way to reduce your level of triglycerides is to simply begin and stick with a fitness and exercise program, while eating a sensible diet. Triglycerides at too high a level are also linked to high blood sugar, and it is common for diabetics to have high triglyceride levels. Therefore, in this case fitness and exercise can take care of two potential health risks at the same time.

Contributory Factors
Being over weight has become a way of life for far too many people and there have been many investigations into what has caused it.

  • Sedentary lifestyles.
  • Working in front of computers.
  • Watching too much television.
  • Diets high in fat and carbohydrates.
All shown to be contributory factors. But whatever the root causes taking part in fitness and exercise programme is a significant part of the cure for the problem. Engaging in physical activity, increasing the heart rate, and just getting active can help a person loose weight, control triglyceride levels and reduce the problems caused by diabetes.

Exercise and fitness cannot be ignored and must become an habitual part peoples lifestyles.

Parents should monitor and restrict time spent by children using computer games or watching television. They must encourage children to engage in fitness and exercise the way children in past generations have, playing games like baseball, basketball and jump rope. Leading by example and taking part themselves. It really does not matter if you are any good, it is more important to enjoy doing it and having that all important quality time with your kids. Doing it regular helps it become a habit and also maximises the benefits.

Children who learn the benefits of fitness and exercise at an early age are more likely to continue the habit into adulthood. They will lead healthier lifestyles and tend to live longer, healthier and obviously happier lives.

What greater gift could you give them than that?

You are free to reproduce this article. In return please always attached the following links:
You are invited to visit and My mission is to provide useful pearls of wisdom for the enhancement of life and the elimination of debt. We have e-books, books, articles many of which are FREE.
Stay Well Stay Happy

About The Author
John Campbell - I started writing my first book 'Financial Dignity' about four years ago. It was not easy balancing a job, a family and writing at the same time. It has been a enjoyable hobby which has become a business.

7 Rules that Guarantee Diet Success and Water

7 Rules that Guarantee Diet Success and Water
by: Troy Pearsall

As a personal trainer at Bally's Total Fitness in Philadelphia, I have come across a number of people that claim to either be unable to lose weight or unable to stick to their diets. I personally think there is no one that is unable to lose weight and that most people that can not seem to lose weight often need just a slight adjustment in how they apply their diet.

There have been a large number of people that have, with my help, seen excellent results by making very slight changes in their diets. Sometimes it is nothing more than cutting back on a bag of potato chips; sometimes it is adding a real breakfast to their diet.

After a while I developed what I call "The 7 Rules to Eating Correctly." Tthese 7 rules were created to keep my clients on track with their diets. Whenever they would ask me why they had not been seeing the results that expected, I would ask which of the 7 rules had they failed to follow. From observation, I realized that anyone following these rules would give the results that he or she desired.

With age I realized that I needed to add much more water into my diet and rule number 8 was born. I really believe that if you combine these 8 rules to your diet, no matter what diet you are advocating you will see results.

  1. Supplement, supplement, supplement; Even though you may be eating very healthy there is no way to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients that it needs better than supplementation. At the very least have a multivitamin/ multi-mineral, antioxidant complex, and calcium. It would be even better if you could use the supplement that I selected and as bodybuilders best vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  2. Eat Breakfast; breakfast should be a complex carbohydrate like oatmeal, a protein and fat. By now you fully understand why breakfast is so important, if you never lifted a weight in your life this would still the most important rule to good health. Treat breakfast like American Express "Do not leave home without it!"
  3. Prepare your meals ahead; two days, or even a week ahead if possible. By preparing your meals ahead you help to fight of the desire to snack or select the wrong foods when meal time comes. I find that most of my cheating comes when I get hungry and had to skip a meal for some reason.
  4. Eat every three and one half hours to 4 hours, assuming you are taking in enough proteins this will keep your body in positive nitrogen balance. Make sure you get enough protein since protein is what bodybuilding is all about. It is very important for type II diabetics that by eating many small meals (I eat from a saucer) a days you can better regulate your body's insulin levels.
  5. Never Snack: I define snacking as anything that you consume that is not a part of your scheduled diet and: Has Pleasure as the sole purpose of consummation; It does nothing to build muscle, put you into a positive nitrogen state, regulate you insulin levels, or stop the development of free radicals; Has a protein to carb ratio of less than 1 to 1; Fat content is greater than 25% of total calories of the product. Please understand that this is the total of a meal. Not all items, as an apple has a protein to carb ratio of less than 1–to-1 it can be scheduled as part of your diet for a given time of day and therefore is not a snack. However, an apple that you grab from off your buddies' desk at work is a snack. Snacks are those meals that are not planned. Success in bodybuilding is about being in control of every aspect of the sport.
  6. Eat complete meals; if you are hungry eat! If you are not hungry do not eat. Meals should be planned. Since the body can only ingest so many calories before it becomes fat it makes sense to save those calories for proteins and vegetables, rather than snack. In my opinion there is no such thing as a good snack because it takes away from you planned meals.
  7. Eat when hungry, and only when hungry; if it is been at least 3.5 hours since your last meal and you have a physical desire to eat then you are hungry. I do not subscribe to the thought of not eating after 6pm. I believe that if you select the correct foods and your body does have a desire for the foods than you should eat no matter what time it is. I believe in eating fairly clean all the time so I do not diet for contest like many bodybuilders I just increase my aerobic activity.
  8. Drink plenty of water try to get at least 1 oz of water for every lb of body weight. The first complaint that I hear even from bodybuilders is that that was too much muscle drinking water is new to you I found that drinking it before a meal rewarding yourself make with the meal is easier. Always drink water throughout your workout. I drink no less than a liter of water during my workout more on legs and back day.
So there you have it the armor you will need to fight the battle of the bulge.

Troy Pearsall

About The Author:
Troy Pearsall has over 25 years of bodybuilding experience. 15 years as a competitive bodybuilder 15 years as a personal trainer and 10 years as a trainer of competitive bodybuilders. He has other successes in other areas but his first love is teaching the sport of bodybuilding. for more information go to

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Five Ways To Fit Fitness Into Your Life

Five Ways To Fit Fitness Into Your Life
by: Rick DeToma

Everyone is pressed for time these days. It does not have to mean that fitness can't be a part of your life. In as little as 10 minutes a day, you can begin to make positive changes to your body.
People often have an all or nothing idea about exercise. They feel that if they can't fit in an hour of exercise that they will do nothing instead.

Successful exercisers make fitness an important part of their lives. Try scheduling your time to exercise like you would any other appointment.

If you are struggling to fit exercise into your day, try these fitness tips:
1. Tackle one body part per day and perform as many reps as it takes to reach failure. Or set a rep goal for yourself and do as many sets as it takes to reach your goal.

2. Exercise while you watch TV. (Don't just sit there, DO something.) Why not do some crunches, or leg extensions while watching the tube? How about some lunges? Anything yo can do in a gym sitting down, you can do at home sitting down in front of the tube.

3. Superset your workouts. Put two exercises together and perform them one after another with no rest in between. You can either do a mixed superset of an upper and lower move combined, or you can choose two opposing muscle groups like chest and back.
4. Combine 2 moves into 1. Any time you perform a lower body exercise and your arms are not involved you miss out on a time-saving opportunity.

Try performing a lunge with a curl, or lateral raise. Or a squat with on overhead press. You could create an entire workout around this concept and divide up your body parts and exercises so that you keeps things fresh.

5. Circuit training. Select a number of exercises for your entire body and perform them as a circuit with little or no rest in between. Repeat as time allows for 2-3 circuits.

People will always find excuses to not exercise. These tips show you how to fit exercise into the busiest of schedules and get the benefits of regular exercise. It's not about finding the time to exercise, it's about MAKING the time to exercise. No matter how busy you are. It's always better to do something than nothing. The information contained in this article is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended to provide medical advice. If you are sedentary or over 40 please get clearance from a doctor before starting an exercise program.

© Rick DeToma

About The Author
Rick DeToma is a fitness coach, and trainer who specializes in home workouts. Contact Rick for a no obligation telephone fitness assessment at: Get more tips like these by subscribing to Tailored Fitness News

How To Dramatically Improve Your Fitness Results

How to Dramatically Improve Your Fitness Results
by: Mike Symons

Do you feel like you aren't making progress in the gym? Do you feel that you aren't reaching your physical goals such as lower body fat or increased muscle, even though you consistently "eat right" and get your workout in? What if I told you that you only need two things to get the results that you deserve and that these items are readily available in your home or office right now?

Before you get all hyped up thinking that this is some miracle drug or new-fangled piece of exercise equipment, it isn't. There is absolutely no substitute for hard work and commitment towards your goals.

So what are these two things? Wait for it… Paper and pencil. No, I’m not joking. Let me explain and give some examples. Your body is highly adaptable. It will adapt and change so that it can meet the challenges that it faces day in and day out. This is great in some regards, but not so great in others. Let’s take lifting weights (with building muscle as a goal) as an example. If you go to the gym and do bench press with 135 pounds every week and never strive to increase the weight you lift, your body will adapt just enough to make you good at benching 135 pounds. Your central nervous system will adapt slightly, and you might even grow some muscle. Eventually with no new challenges, your body will remain the same, and you will no longer grow or get stronger.

Another example would be walking. People walk a lot (or should) every day. If the only physical activity that these people do is walking, their legs will not get bigger after a certain point. The body adapts to the stress of walking, and then once it gets "comfortable", it will remain the same.

So how does the paper and pencil fit in?
Simple. If you are striving to reach a goal, whether it be gaining muscle or losing fat, you must strive to improve from week to week, and month to month. To me, it is amazing how few people actually keep track of their workouts at the gym. If you aren't writing what you do down, you won't have any way of tracking progress.
As a general rule, you should strive to either increase the weight that you use or increase reps for each exercise you do.

For example, let's say that last week, you did two sets of barbell military press. The weight used was 95 pounds, and you did two sets of ten repetitions. This week, when you do that exercise, you should increase the weight by five pounds, and attempt the same number of reps. Let’s say that for the first set, you got all ten reps, but for the second set, you only got eight. Next week, in order to improve, keep the weight the same, but strive to get ten reps for both sets. Rinse, and repeat.

The other side of this coin is tracking your nutrition. Whether your goal is to gain muscle or lose fat, keeping a food log is the absolute best way to maintain steady progress.

If you start struggling to lose fat, keep track of everything you eat on a daily basis, including total calories and fat, protein and carbohydrates. Armed with this information, you can start analyzing your diet to see where the problems are. If you fail to lose weight, take the daily calories that you were getting before and subtract 200 per day from that amount. Continue this until you are losing the amount of fat each week that you desire (keeping in mind that a weight loss in excess of two pounds a week can be unhealthy).

If you are struggling to put on muscle weight, keeping track of total calories will give also assist you. Follow the same idea for losing fat, but instead of subtracting calories, add them.

Reaching your goals is very simple (don't confuse the word simple with easy). If you strive to improve each and every workout session, and keep track of your nutrition using some form of tracking, you will see results.

About The Author
Mike Symons Discover the shocking secrets to what it really takes to have the body you've always wanted. Visit for the truth about getting awesome diet and exercise results. You may be surprised at what really makes the difference.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Coffee, Caffeine & Fitness

Coffee, Caffeine & Fitness
by: Jon Gestl

One look at a line at the local Starbucks in the morning and you don’t need to be convinced of the huge amount of coffee consumption in the U.S. The National Coffee Association found in 2000 that 54% of the U.S. adult population drinks coffee daily. Guess there’s nothing like the first double espresso in the morning to clear the cobwebs from our heads so we can face the day.
But what are the effects relating to fitness? If that grande-no-foam-double-whipped-extra-shot-no-fat latte gives us the get-up-and-go to start our day at work, will it do the same if we’re headed to the gym?

Physiological Effects
The main ingredient in coffee that gives us that jolt is caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant. Caffeine is found naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, and chocolate, and is a popular added ingredient in carbonated beverages and some over-the-counter medications such as cold remedies, diuretics, aspirin, and weight control aids. It is estimated that in the U.S., 75% of caffeine intake comes from coffee.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system by blocking adenosine, a neurotransmitter that normally causes a calming effect in the body. The resulting neural stimulation due to this blockage causes the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, the "fight or flight" hormone. Your heart rate increases, your pupils dilate, your muscles tighten up, and glucose is released into your blood stream for extra energy. Voila… you now have the caffeine buzz.

But wait…we’re not done yet. Caffeine also increases dopamine. Dopamine activates the pleasure in parts of the brain. It has been suspected that this also contributes to caffeine addiction.

Physiologically, caffeine makes us you feel alert, pumps adrenaline to give you energy and changes dopamine production to make you feel good. Another espresso, anyone?

Ergogenic Effects of Caffeine to Performance
In addition to various psychological and physiological benefits, numerous studies have documented caffeine’s ergogenic effect on athletic performance, particularly in regard to endurance. Studies show that caffeine ingestion prior to exercising extended endurance in moderately strenuous aerobic activity. Other studies researching caffeine consumption on elite distance runners and distance swimmers show increased performance times following caffeine consumption.

Despite effects on endurance, caffeine produced no effect on maximal muscular force in a study measuring voluntary and electrically stimulated muscle actions. However, the same study did show findings that suggest caffeine has an ergogenic effect on muscle during repetitive, low frequency stimulation.

Caffeine’s positive performance-enhancing effects have been well documented. So much so that the International Olympic Committee placed a ban leading to disqualification for an athlete with urinary limits exceeding 12 mg/mL. Roughly 600 to 800mg of caffeine, or 4 to 7 cups of coffee, consumed over a 30-minute period would be enough to exceed this level and cause disqualification. The National Collegiate Athletic Association has a similar limit, set at 15 mg/mL.

Coffee: A Pre-Workout Drink?
Before you make Starbucks part of your pre-workout warm-up in order to harness the effects of caffeine, be aware that simply downing a grande may not give you similar benefits found in these studies. A recent Canadian study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology compared the effect of coffee and caffeine on run time to exhaustion. A group of nine men took part in five trials. Sixty minutes before each run, the men took one of the following:

  • A placebo
  • Caffeine capsules
  • De-caffeinated coffee with caffeine added
  • Regular coffee

Performance times were up to 10 times longer in subjects using the caffeine capsules, with no differences in times among the other trials. Since the level of caffeine absorption was similar during the caffeine trials, researchers concluded something in the coffee itself that interferes with caffeine’s performance-enhancing effects. This makes sense considering that there are literally hundreds of compounds dissolved when coffee beans are roasted, ground and extracted. Results of this research suggest that if benefits of caffeine on endurance times are desired, caffeine capsules work better than coffee.
Caffeine and Creatine Supplementation

Although caffeine has been shown to increase endurance time, further research shows it may actually blunt the effect of creatine, a popular and well-researched compound known for its consistent ergogenic effects. In a study evaluating the effect of pre-exercise caffeine ingestion on both creatine stores and high-intensity exercise performance, caffeine totally counteracted any effects of creatine supplementation. It was suggested that individuals who creatine load should refrain from caffeine-containing foods and beverages if positive effects are desired.

The Downside of Caffeine
Despite coffee/caffeine’s positive effects on psychological states and performance, there are numerous documented risks that must considered when consuming caffeine, whether for performance-enhancing effects or simply as a part of daily dietary consumption. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and can produce restlessness, headaches, and irritability. Caffeine also elevates your heart rate and blood pressure. Over the long-term as your body gets used to caffeine, it requires higher amounts to get the same effects. Certainly, having your body in a state of hormonal emergency all day long isn’t very healthy.

Caffeine is also a diuretic and causes a loss of fluid, which then leads to a dehydrating effect. This is obviously not conducive to fitness activities such as resistance training, as fluid is needed for the transfer of nutrients to facilitate muscular growth. It is also important when considering the further loss of fluid while exercising in hot environments. Perhaps the most important long-term problem is the effect of caffeine on sleep. The half-life of caffeine in the body is about 6 hours. If you drink a big cup of coffee with 200 mg of caffeine at 4PM, at 10PM you still have about 100mg in your body. By 4AM, you still have 50mg floating in your system. Even though you may be able to sleep, you may not be able to obtain the restful benefits of deep sleep. What’s worse, the cycle continues as you may use more and more caffeine in hopes of counteracting this deficit.

Caffeinated Conclusions…
Though caffeine has some benefits in relation to exercise performance, risks have been documented. Most problems seem evident with very high consumption. The American Heart Association says that moderate coffee drinking (one or two cups per day) does not seem to be harmful for most people. As with everything else, moderation is the key to healthy caffeine consumption. Further research is needed to clearly determine whether the performance-enhancing benefits of caffeine outweigh the potential risks.

About The Author
Jon Gestl, CSCS, is a Chicago personal trainer and fitness instructor who specializes in helping people get in shape in the privacy and convenience of their home or office. He is a United States National Aerobic Champion silver and bronze medalist and world-ranked sportaerobic competitor and editor of the fitness ezine "Inspired Informed and Inshape." He can be contacted through his website at

Fish Or Fish Oil Supplements?

Fish Or Fish Oil Supplements?
by: David McEvoy

Both fish and fish oil supplements contain important essential Omega 3 fatty acids needed for good health, but as we will see, it isn't just any old fish and nor is it any old fish oil that can do the job properly.

The Paradox
Today's consumers must be very confused about seemingly contradictory advice about eating fish. The food standards agency says most people should be eating more oily fish like Salmon, Tuna, Herring and Mackerel, because the Omega 3 fatty acids they contain are good for our health. But at the same time they limit the recommended daily amounts to 2 portions of oily fish a week for women and girls who may want to have a baby one day and for breastfeeding mothers, and 4 portions for everyone else. So first we are told to eat more fish in order to gain the extraordinary health benefits of Omega 3, but then we are told not to eat too much because our fish are polluted with toxins, particularly methylmercury. What are we supposed to do with this advice? Perhaps we should look at how much Omega 3 we actually need.

Omega 3 - how much is enough?
No official recommendation exists as to how much Omega 3 is required for optimum health but on an individual basis the ideal amount is linked to our intake of Omega 6. The more Omega 6 fatty acids that we consume, the more Omega 3 fatty acids we need to counteract the imbalance. First of all it might help to explain that the body is unable to synthesise Omega 3, or Omega 6 fatty acids for that matter, so we have to rely totally on our diets to get them. Now here's the astounding part.

Most of us today are eating diets that are deficient in the anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids but excessive in pro-inflammatory Omega 6. Over the past 70 years or so our consumption of fish has drastically diminished and at the same time we are eating more processed foods, grains and vegetable oils. These foods aren't bad in themselves it is just that this imbalance in our diets is believed by some to be the root cause of a huge rise in inflammatory conditions, heart disease and depressive disorders, hence the need for more Omega 3.

The important Omega 3 fatty acids are Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid or EPA and DHA. Generally speaking, 1g of EPA/DHA daily is considered enough for everyone. To give you an idea of what this equates to in real terms, to get this amount of EPA/DHA from the diet, you would have to consume a 3-oz portion of salmon every single day, seven days a week.

Bearing in mind the toxicity problem, one might think it's safer to get Omega 3 from fish oil supplements, but here's the 'catch'. Fish oil is made from the very same fish in the sea, so it stands to reason that fish oil supplements can be toxic too unless of course the fish oil has been purified.

What types of fish oils are there and which one is best?
To put it simply, there are basically 3 types of fish oil available.
• Cod Liver Oil
• Standard fish oil
• High-grade concentrated fish oil

Cod liver oil is produced from the liver of fish and although contains high amounts of Omega 3, the liver is where most of the toxins are stored and so potentially, cod liver oil can contain a high level of pollutants. Cod liver oil also contains high amounts of vitamin A and D and too much can result in Vitamin A toxicity.

Standard fish oils are produced from the flesh of the fish as opposed to the liver of fish but again, they can contain impurities as whatever was in the fish at the time it was caught is transferred to the oil. The amount of Omega 3 fatty acids they contain can also vary depending on a number of factors including the time of year, environmental conditions etc.

High-grade concentrated fish oil has an advantage over the others in that not only has all the impurities been removed, the oil can be concentrated to contain much higher levels of Omega 3. For example, concentrations of 70% EPA is possible and so fewer capsules are required in order to produce the same effect. With some of the standard fish oils, 5 or 6 capsules are required every day. EPA is rapidly gaining recognition as the most important fatty acid as the body can produce DHA when enough EPA is present but this isn't effective the other way round.

To date there has been no real studies done on whether there is a significant difference or benefit in getting Omega 3 from fresh fish or from fish oil supplements. However, as it stands today, it would appear that the only way to ensure a healthy intake of Omega 3 without the risk of harmful pollutants is to take a high-grade fish oil supplement that has been through processes to filter out the impurities.

About The Author
Dave McEvoy is an expert in EPA with over 20 years experience; for more information about fish oil and how it can help come and visit.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Home Fitness Equipment

Getting The Most Out Of Your Home Fitness Equipment
by: Nathan James

Many of us make New Years resolutions to get in shape, lose weight, and exercise more. This usually means either a trip to sign up at a local gym, or buying a piece of home fitness equipment. Buying fitness equipment for your home can often be a better choice, especially if your local gym is out of the way from your home and work.

Many people sign up with full intentions of going but find that it is too much of an inconvenience. However, many people also buy expensive equipment only to end up using it to hang their laundry on (sound familiar?). Read on to learn how to make the most of your home fitness equipment.

If you have a spare room, consider making it into a home gym. Keeping all your gym equipment in one place makes it easy to find and feel more like a real gym. You should also try and remove other clutter from your home gym. Make sure you have some upbeat music on hand and perhaps even a TV. You’ll be surprised how quickly a workout can go by when you’re watching your favorite shows.

Equipment Must-Haves
If you don’t currently have any home fitness equipment but are ready to start building your home gym, you may be confused as to which equipment is best.

Start off with one piece of cardio equipment. To get the most bang for your buck, look into an elliptical trainer. These simulate running, but are virtually no-impact. Look for one that allows you to move your arms as well since this means burning more calories.

Treadmills are also a great choice, but keep in mind that they are much harder on your joints. A stationary bike is also a popular piece of gym equipment, but you won’t get as much benefit from your workouts.

A universal gym is a great addition to your home gym as well. These combine several types of weight machines into one. A great choice if you don’t have a lot of space. You may also want to get a stability ball, resistance band, and other hand weights. This should make for a perfect home gym, which you and your family can use and enjoy for many years.

About The Author
Nathan James offers information and advice about home fitness equipment at the Best Home Fitness Equipment website. Visit for more information about choosing the right equipment.

Build Your Body Like Rome

Build Your Body Like Rome
by: Christopher C.

Apparently, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Yet, people want to lose multiple dress sizes or pant sizes by next weekend by drinking some unknown “juice” that promises quick weight loss (yeah right), or by eating a ton of greasy meat all day (I bet that works all the time…….not), or by popping pills with God only knows what ingredients they have in them (as my grandmother says, “Good luck to you”).


Why would a logical, smart, good-natured person like you actually think that the list above (and hundreds of other crazy weight loss fads) will actually work? There is no reason to be that desperate. Let me tell you that there is a 99.92308234% chance that as soon as you lose that weight with a “fad” diet, you will gain it back……..and then some.

Do it the right way.

“What is the right way?” you may be asking.

Diet and exercise…….a fitness program……commitment……...empowering yourself to make small lifestyle changes that snowball into a new you.


I thought you would never ask. Let me give you 2 EASY, BASIC things for you to do (and these things also go for you intermediate and advanced fitness people, too):

1.Get moving everyday – It always get a good laugh when someone make a “New Year’s Resolution” to get fit. Or claim that they’re going to go to the gym everyday (when they haven’t seen the inside of a gym in months or years). How long does it last? 1 day, 2 days, maybe a week? Why do you think that has happened to you or others? Because that person was not COMMITTED to get moving everyday (or almost everyday). Do you know of a person like this………maybe yourself??? :)

“So you’re saying that you were LAUGHING at me Chris”………



What are easy ways to get moving?

-Taking a brisk 15 minute walk once or twice daily (outdoors preferably, but not a necessity)

-Pushups – a great overall strength trainer (unfortunately, many people can hardly do any of these, much less do them with proper form). Even if you can only do 1 pushup, try to do 2 tomorrow and 5 by next week. Let it build.

-Crunches – very basic abdominal exercise, but it will get you started. For you advanced performers out there, see how many you can do in 30 seconds or a minute or 2 minutes…..ALWAYS remember proper form, or else 1,546,127 crunches in a day don’t mean squat.

2.Start an exercise program – In order to lose weight and keep the weight off, you have to make a change to start an exercise program (and keep to it!). My advice, don’t go for the jugular so quickly, sit down and draw up a plan on how you can fit it in your everyday life (EVERYBODY can fit in some sort of exercise program, so I don’t want to hear any whining on how YOU don’t have the time). How about this for a quick exercise program (just off the top my head, especially for you, I don’t have the time!!! people out there, lol):

Upon waking in the morning:

-Go for a brisk 10-15 minute walk outside (if possible), remembering to keep the arms pumping and concentrate on taking good, deep breaths. Upon returning home, slowly walk around for 1 minute to cool down (only if necessary), drop and do 10 pushups with arms shoulder width apart, rest for 30 seconds, then do 10 pushups with arms as close as possible together, rest for 1 minute, then finish with 10 pushups with arms far apart (practically speaking). Finish up your “routine” by jumping rope for 2-3 minutes (or longer/shorter depending on your fitness level at that moment).

This is just a SAMPLE, and if you start saying “Chris, I can’t do 10 pushups three times in a row”……….then do 5, or 3, or heck…..even 1. Just get started, you will be amazed how much stronger you will get in the coming days, weeks, months, years. This will build your strength, endurance, coordination, and health all in that 1 tiny workout.

Change your way of thinking…….start slow and build up. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your body won’t be built like Rome in a day either………but YOU can lay the foundation for your own temple that is your body. Don’t wait until your temple starts crumbling and heaven forbid starts to collapse. It may be beyond repair. Rebuild your body, your muscles, your arms, your legs, your organs…………..start now, start small, and make it fun.

Treat your body with respect and it will repay you tenfold. You will begin to understand once you make that change. You will feel alive, energized, and ready to face a new day, everyday.

Make a commitment to “add more bricks” to your temple, make yourself stronger, more flexible, ready to handle any problems that you may encounter. Don’t rely on other people to tell you that your body doesn’t look like Rome. People are too politically correct. I will probably tell you, though :). You can make yourself look like your own personal “Rome.” You just have to get started………..challenge yourself, and lay that foundation.

There are so many ways to get fit, I could write for days……………but I need to stop so YOU can get started on your fitness program.

If you are still hell-bent on trying that new “fad” diet, or drinking that nasty looking liquid that promises quick weight loss in 3 days (I don’t even want to know how)……..I’ll be waiting with open arms when that fails (and it will fail at some point), lol. So, just forget that trash, get started right, and build your body that is something to be proud of. Get started now, and I’ll talk to you soon.

P.S. If you want some more kick butt ideas to make yourself into Rome or even the Statue of Liberty, visit, and get started.

About The Author
Chris Callegari, founder of is unleashing his real-world fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating tips to the world, to help support lifestyle changes.


by: Dane Fletcher

Plyometric training is the enhancement of explosive power. Explosive power is the ability of the muscle to produce maximum strength in the shortest period of time. Since there is seldom time to produce this kind of maximum strength in most sporting events (apart from perhaps powerlifting), it's obviously a benefit to be able to do so - and particularly for bodybuilders.

Plyometric training combines speed, strength, and change of direction to allow the muscle to react quickly and with maximum power. Most weightlifting is fairly static and isolative. Imagine taking that power and effort, and pushing it out into an enhanced, total body range of motion to harness more power! This is how to picture plyometrics.

Plyometrics are becoming more and more popular as a means to enhance an already strenuous workout in the gym with resistance exercise. Go into any Gold's or World or Powerhouse Gym and see at least 2 or 3 trainers putting their clients through the paces with balance disks, steps, stairs, and medicine balls, as a supplement to the weights.

Whether you're a bodybuilder who needs more detail or you also compete in a sport such as boxing or soccer, plyometrics can create strength, agility and elasticity through the promotion and practice of balance. Working with weights in a static manner can only accomplish so much. Working with dynamic exercises, movements and equipment that can expand a range of motion in many different directions, will greatly enhance the scope and potential of any physique.

Plyometrics is also a means by which any bodybuilder can unleash explosive power. This is of particular benefit during an off season phase where squats and other powerlifting basics are what is driving a mass cycle.

A lot of plyometrics incorporate balance oriented movements or exercises that work the proprioceptors within the length of the body. Proprioception is what keeps our bodies balanced. Throw the body off balance and it will find its perfect balance. That's because proprioceptors within the spinal column and back of the legs, are constantly seeking balance as you walk, run, lift, or just stand.

Here's a great beginning Plyometric workout, focusing on the legs, that you can combine with your regular resistance workout. You'll need a partner for some of it:

Squats (without weight) in squat cage holding side bars 1 x 75

Squat-Leaps 1 x 15

Instructions: Keeping a good squat position, get down to a parallel-to-the-floor squat frame and keep legs tight during the full 75 reps. Believe us when we tell you, that you will NOT need weight here. We doubt you could make it to 100 - which is the number you should target prior to the squat-leaps. Immediately following this leg wobbling set of squats, do as many squat-leaps up to 15 as possible.

Hamstring curls or Stiff-legged deadlifts 1 x 50

Lateral Box Leaps 1 x 20

Stair run 2 x 30 steps sprint

Instructions: If doing hamstring curls, use enough weight to keep a light resistance on the legs. If stiff-legged, use just a light pre-loaded bar of 15-20 pounds for 50 reps. Keep tight form throughout sets of either of these.

Immediately run stairs up 30 steps, and down (many gyms have stairs) - if not use an aerobic step apparatus and go up down up down up down up down, alternating feet as quickly as possible. Then immediately go to box leaps. Make sure your first try is using an 8-12 inch step that is about as wide as it is tall. With both feet together, leap from side to side to side to side for 20 reps.

You may think to yourself... I'm not sure this will increase my mass. Well, just wait! It not only can increase mass, but it can reshape the mass you have and make you more functional, explosive and dynamic in the gym. When you become quicker and more explosive, you'll be able to turn the heat up on your workouts and your intensity will bring you enhanced development.

About The Author
Dane Fletcher is the world's foremost training authority. He writes exclusively for, a leading online provider of Bodybuilding Supplements. For more information, please visit

Good Fat Bad Fat by Annabel Cruz

Good Fat Bad Fat

by: Annabel Cruz

To familiarize yourself with the good and bad fat

Saturated fats
These "bad" fats are solid at room temperature. They are found mostly in animal foods (meats, poultry, dairy products) and in some vegetable products, such as coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and vegetable shortening. Saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, as well as many other cancers and diseases. The liver uses saturated fats to manufacture cholesterol, so it's important to restrict intake of saturated fat for this reason as well. Saturated fats should make up less than 10% of your total fat intake.

Trans-fatty acids
These unnatural fats are created through a process called hydrogenation, which transforms unsaturated fats into saturated fats. But you won't see the words "trans-fatty acids" on food labels. Instead, look for "hydro-genated" or "partially hydrogenated" oil among the ingredients. Margarine, shortening, crackers, baked goods, and junk foods are typically high in hydrogenated oils. Trans-fatty acids extend the shelf life of products, but they do nothing to extend the life of the people who eat them. In fact, trans-fatty acids appear to play a role in causing breast cancer. They also interfere with the body's ability to utilize the good essential fatty acids, raise the level of bad cholesterol, and lower the level of good cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fats
This group contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have both good and bad qualities. The omega-3s (also called linolenic oils) are found in flaxseed, hemp seed, walnut oils, and cold-water fish, such as salmon, tuna, and herring. Omega-3s protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease. Omega-6 fatty acids (also called linolenic oil) are found in vegetable oils, such as corn, safflower, and sunflower oils. In small amounts they can lower total cholesterol levels, but in larger amounts they can lower levels of the "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and they are associated with an increased risk of cancer

Mono-unsaturated fats
This category includes the fats most often recognized as being healthy: olive oil, peanut oil, or any other fresh, unprocessed oil.

Any fats, even the healthy ones, can turn toxic if heated. Erasmus notes that "Frying once or twice won't kill us, but after ten, twenty, or thirty years of eating fried foods, our cells accumulate altered and toxic products for which they have not evolved efficient detoxifying mechanisms. Un-toasted sesame oil and olive oil are the most stable of the unsaturated oils and therefore may be heated more safely than other unsaturated oils, which include safflower, corn, and canola. These three commonly used oils are treated with sodium hydroxide and phosphoric acid, and are deodorized, bleached, and heated at high temperatures, all of which makes them unhealthy and likely to be carcinogenic.

Fat and Toxins
Dietary fat, especially animal fats, often contain pesticides hormones, fungicides, and other carcinogens. Food animals are fed large amounts of dangerous chemicals to make them fatter faster. These chemicals accumulate in the animal's fat, then are ingested by people. Because these toxins have an affinity for fat, women's breasts are a prime gathering spot for them. Thus, animal fat carries a double danger for women.

Fat and Estrogen

Given the compelling evidence that heightened exposure to estrogen is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, the link between high fat intake and breast cancer is even more convincing. Estrogen has an affinity for fat. As a woman's fat intake increases, so do her levels of estrogen.

Recent study findings illustrate this concept well. At the University of Southern California, researchers found that women's estrogen levels are lowered by up to 23% when their intake of dietary fat is lowered to 10 to 20% of their diet. Significant reductions in estrogen were also seen in diets that contained 18 to 25% of calories from fat.

Scientists have also looked at fat intake, estrogen levels, and incidence of breast cancer among women who eat either a vegetarian or a vegan diet (no animal products at all). Fat intake is typically much lower in these women, so you would expect to ice lower estrogen levels as well. Research findings bear this out. One study of pre-menopausal vegetarians showed estrogen levels 23% lower than in non-vegetarians, while another study of postmenopausal vegans revealed that they had estrogen levels up to 40% lower.

Similarly, obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer, and overweight women have higher levels of estrogen than thinner women. That's because fat cells produce estrogen from the hormone androgen in the body. The higher the percentage of body fat, the greater the production of estrogen.

Some scientists say the relationship between dietary fat and breast cancer risk is so strong, if women reduced their fat intake by 50%, the risk of breast cancer could be lowered by about 250%. Tips on how you can greatly reduce your intake of bad fats and still eat foods you enjoy can be seen in my other article.

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About The Author
Annabel Cruz is a researcher that studies Natural healing by combining both Western and Eastern ways. Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included. And we provide best pueraria mirifica information on the site.

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