An Interview with Robert Mendolia: A Gifted Photographer
Gene: Hello Robert, thanks for accepting the interview. How about you tell us a little about yourself?
Robert: I was born in Ozone Park Queens in a very Italian neighborhood, I had great childhood friends one of whom I still speak with today. I was always creative from as far back as I can remember even though there were no signs of creativity in my family tree, Mom was a house wife and Dad a truck driver. They had very little but what they did have went to me and my sister and brother. I went through the public school system and took art classes whenever I could, I think it took a long time for me to grow into my own and reach a point where I could express my creative freedom without giving a damn what others thought.
Gene: What is your background? Who are you and your photography? How long have you been into photography and how were you exposed?
Robert: I originally started out as a fashion designer and worked in the industry for 15 years before returning to FIT to major in Photography and make the change to look at life through the lens of a camera. It surprised me how much my fashion designer and merchandising background has played a huge part in my success as a photographer. I entered photography at time when the full transition from film to digital was at war, I think it’s in one way fortunate because I learned all about light and exposure and how to shoot the right way from step one as opposed to all those out there that have that I’ll fix it later in Photoshop attitude, my attitude shot it the right way to begin with and use Photoshop as a means of minor correcting.
Gene: Describe a normal day in your life.
Robert:If I’m not actively shooting I’m on the computer networking and figuring out my next step in promoting myself. It never stops; it’s all about finding the next assignment, coming up with the next idea, pulling together the next team....more
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