Body Building Diet Secret: How to Bulk and Cut at The Same Time
by Dave Elger
I don't know about you, but we've all heard that you can either bulk or cut, but you can't do both at the same time.
So we go about everyday believing that this is true, so we don't even try to understand how it's possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. That is to get ripped pretty quickly. And it's great for summer when we've got to show off our bodies.
So in this article, we're going to talk about how to do it.
We need to understand that it's going to be a combination of a good workout, with a very precise diet plan.
It takes a bit of adjustment to our diet, but when you get it, you'll find that you're able to show off your muscles, as you'll have less fat covering them all up!
But you have to do it in a specific way. Here's the scoop.
The first step is a great workout. If you're not doing this, the rest of the plan won't work.
You'd want to workout a muscle group, with good intensity every 5 to 7 days.
Some do supersets, or some list to failure over 6-15 reps, the optimal partly depends on your body type. This will stimulate your muscles to grow, yet allowing enough time for the muscle to grow between gym sessions, so you actually gain muscle bulk..
There's more that we can go on about to get bigger quicker, but we won't delve into the details here.
Now, what about the diet? Listen up as this is where you can make it or break it.
You need to have a diet that:
1. Provide enough protein to gain muscle,
2. Stimulate testosterone production,
3. Stimualtes a high metabolism, and,
4. Avoiding the wrong type of calories that cause the opposite effects to the above
But how's this done?
Here are the 5 steps in your diet to start this process today:
1. Eat lean sources of protein. Think about foods such as egg, fish, lean chicken, and whey protein. Have a good portion of this straight after your workout.
2. Thinks about the monounsaturated fats. Why? These stimulate testosterone production. They're found in avocado, and extra virgin olive oil. Don't go overboard as they contain dense calories. Just try 2 teaspoons a day of olive oil for example.
3. Straight after your workout, have a high GI carbohydrate, such foods as honey or jam. This will satisfy your sugar fix, yes. But also it will help you absorb the protein and creatine (if you're taking this).
4. Have no high GI carbs in the evenings before bed. If you're doing this, this may be the only thing you have to do to get your body going in the right direction. Your metabolism is slowing, so no high GI carbs at this time please! It's the worse time to have it, and some guys get fat just with this one action.
5. Eat 6 meals a day, as it increases your metabolism. Many Hollywood celebrities do this, as it works. But keep the meals reasonable. Eat til you're 80% full, not excessively, and you'll feel more even during the day - no hunger pangs and no binging.
Got it?
If you want to get ripped in no time, and be healthy at the same time, have a look through these rules carefully.
There are more tips available on my website to refine your diet further, for example, if you're finding that you're not gaining muscle despite a good diet, or, you're putting on fat at the same time as muscle.
So get to it, and eat and train well.
About The Author Lucas Ryan helps you to gain muscle and lose fat so that you can show off your bodybuilding efforts and look ripped in no time. For more valuable tips on how to do this easily, visit: |