The Body Of Your Dreams
by Krystel Abi Assi
Sometimes I think the diet and fitness industry just doesn't "get it". The industry feverishly adds new quick fix workouts and diets each week, yet more and more people are fat and out of shape. The truth is, the average person doesn't get it either. Most people are constantly searching for the quick fix, the magic diet, the 6-minute fat-burning workout, the super fat-burning pill, etc. If any of these existed, don't you think we would have discovered it by now? And don't you think that we would all be healthy, fit and super skinny?
Nowadays, we are overfed yet undernourished. And he have become a civilization that does not embrace the joy of movement and the benefits of healthy eating. Let's take a closer look at the problem. The first thing you need to do is be honest about the things that are preventing you from achieving the body you want. See if any of these reasons rings a bell:
* I don't have time.
* I hate to exercise.
* My family life is too busy.
* I work long hours and the last thing I want to do is eat right and exercise.
* I can't afford a gym membership.
* I've never found a diet that I enjoyed.
Your problem is that you don't think you can get the body you want and you're also not willing to do the work required. Your mind has tricked you into thinking that it isn't possible, and you've also been too easy on yourself. In addition, the dark side of the diet and fitness industry has programmed you to believe that there may be a magical solution out there. A solution that is easy, quick, and painless. Guess what - there's no such thing..To change your body, you need to change your lifestyle. I'm not going to sugar coat it; diets are not something you start and then finish. A diet is your eating lifestyle; it's what determines your health and longevity. And everything that goes into your body either promotes health or supports your demise. Your current food customs are not something innate they are acquired, and in order to get that body which you long for and keep it you need to adjust them.
Based on these facts I decided to put together a guide that you can follow to begin the process of getting the body you want. Follow the guidelines to the best of your ability because even slight changes will make a difference. The more consistent you are the better your results.
1. Movement -- Remember childhood? If exercise is a chore, then ask yourself what would be fun. If the thought of weight training and power walking turns you off, then search for aerobic videos, take a belly-dancing class, try Pilates or Power Yoga, join a walking club and meet new friends. Think like a kid again and just have fun. If you aren't motivated by traditional methods of exercise, then you have to find an activity that is enjoyable to you. Two to three days per week will be just enough to burn that extra fat and get you back on track.
2. Nutrition -- Nothing is as important as the fuel you put in your body. You'll need to control blood sugar levels in order to lose body fat, and this is best accomplished by consuming four to five small meals per day. A good meal could be an egg omelet with fruit on the side; a large salad with chicken and a little of your favorite dressing; a whole grain bread cheese sandwich; a fruit salad or even a handful of omega-3 rich nuts.I'm referring to them as meals but they're actually small feedings. Forget about portions, when you know that you don't have to limit yourself, you'll until you feel satisfied. Remember you need to feel satisfied not stuffed. It's very tempting to starve yourself and stop eating altogether, but that is just not a good idea.You need to understand that your body is very intelligent; your body does not like to lose weight, it's just not programmed to lose weight. So when you stop eating you see quick results but after a few days, your body goes into what we call 'Starvation Mode' and stops burning fat. So what you end up losing is water and muscle weight, both of which are regained very quickly as soon as you start eating normally again.
3 Timing -- I realize four to six meals sounds like a lot but you must keep in mind that the body is always seeking to store fat. If you go long periods without eating (more than 5 hours), your body begins to sense that something is wrong. Remember that we need to keep the fat furnace burning and in order to do that we need the energy supply (food) steady.To control blood sugar, eat approximately every three hours through the day. This helps to control blood sugar, which assists in body-fat loss.
4. Consistency -- You'll need to be on your nutrition program for most meals. Notice I didn't tell you that you have to be perfect every single meal. If you're consuming 35 meals per week, then a couple of treats during the week will not hurt you. Unlike many, I'm not a big fan of the one "cheat day" per week method. I find that people tend to use it as an excuse to gorge themselves.
As always, check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program.
How A Simple Change In Your Mindset Will Set You Free In Your Quest For A Great Body! I've given you a lot of great information in this guide - stuff you can go out and use right away. But most people will read this article with the mindset of wanting to get in shape. That's not enough. You hear a lot of people lamenting about being out of shape and saying, "I need to get in shape", or, "I want to get in shape." What you don't hear them saying is, "I want to get in shape and stay that way." They may want to stay in shape, but their mindset is focused on getting in shape. This makes you more susceptible to the fad diets and latest exercise gimmick on the market. You're so focused on getting in shape that you'll try almost anything regardless of how silly or difficult to follow it might seem, because you're only trying to get in shape.
A simple change in the "quick fix" mindset to one of long term success will steer you down the correct path. You'll be less enticed by the late night TV hype, and more focused on doing the right things most of the time. We're after life long health and fitness here. A person who is in shape in their 50s and 60s is a lot more impressive to me than someone who is lean and fit in their20s and 30s. That's because the dedication to maintaining the proper exercise plan and a sensible nutrition strategy for the rest of your life is rare to find. It's a rare mindset. If you really want to transform your physique for good, you must make it a lifestyle, a habit. The good news is that the info I've provided in this guide is fairly easy to follow. It doesn't require you to give up your life's pursuits so that you are in the gym six days a week, and it doesn't require you to give up eating carbohydrates or following some other wacky diet you can't reasonably make a lifestyle out of.
Making this information a part of your life is a process, but it doesn't take as long as you think. After a few weeks it will become part of you, and in just under a couple months, you will have made these exercise and nutritional secrets a habit.
About the Author
Krystel Abi Assi
UK graduate with degrees in Nutritional Therapy and Holistic Nutrition; currently living and practicng in her private clinic in Beirut, Lebanon. Need more info?
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