Tuesday, March 21, 2006

March FitNews: Online

This Month
Due to the overwhelming number of emails I've received on wanting the "nick auger workout" I'm going to give a few extra tips. I won't give out that workout not that I don't want to but the workout is featured in the November 2004 issue of Fitness Rx for men. you can email them and get past issues.

Pilates for Everyone
Did you know that Pilates principles can improve performance in any sport? Pilates is gaining a lot of fans! I bet you're picturing a whole group of women in tight pants lying on the floor stretching...think again, it's men too! These principles of Pilates efficiently teach us how to focus on each of our controlled movements with proper technique while initiating all the movements from our “powerhouse” which is our body's deep core muscles. There is a lot of emphasis put on the correct alignment of the body while using the correct muscles to perform the exercises correctly. Pilates stretches, strengthens, and balances the body with each exercise. Doing this while focusing on smooth breathing allows for improved mind-body connection.

These principles can improve performance in absolutely any sport. Bikers, WEIGHT LIFTERS, runners, golfers, and racket sports players find that when they are trained to initiate power at their core and then work it out to their own extremities the results are very amazing.

Getting The Body You Want
Fitness for Everyone

Everyone's body is different we come in different shapes and sizes. Our challenge this month is to find exercises that work for you. If you are currently in a workout and aren't getting the results you wanted, it may be your diet or you may be doing a few exercises wrong. Perhaps you're doing too few reps or too many reps. Find what is lacking in your workout. Find your weakness! A lot of guys forget that diet is huge when it comes to looking good. Others think that if they over load themselves with creatine that will help out too. D..I...E...T don't find other ways the best way is to diet, train hard and efficiently.

Women are afraid to lift weights you need to lift weights to get that great body you want! You won't get bulky, and men don't be afraid to use that pink or purple stability ball! It is not girly! Next issue we'll discuss why! But this is all about trying out new exercises to keep your interest and improve your body into what you want!

Gene Marie